Develop Skills

TOEFL® Young Students Series GO English!

Princeton, NJ (USA), September 2015 - Starting in September, students from around the world will begin using their English-language skills as part of the 2015 TOEFL® Young Students Series GO English! project. The program, designed by Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the TOEFL program, inspires students to practice and improve their English-language skills in the classroom under the guidance of their English-language teachers.

The 2015 campaign — "Your Culture. In Your Words." — is designed for students to share the celebrations, legends, landmarks, or traditions unique to their culture. Working together as a class over the course of a few months, students will be using their English-language skills to create a video, radio, poster, or newspaper announcement. Creativity is encouraged, and students will showcase their knowledge of the English language to effectively communicate their messages.

"Thousands of students representing more than twenty countries submitted creative advertisements about their hometowns in the 2014 campaign," said David Payne, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Global Education at ETS. "With the increasing role of the English language globally, we are committed to providing opportunities for young learners to develop their English skills in the classroom."

All classrooms are welcome to submit projects for the 2015 campaign by 31 March 2016. Participating classes will receive promotional items, educational materials, certificates, and a plaque and will have the opportunity to be featured on the TOEFL Young Students Series GO English! website.