Higher Education

New Modes in Teaching and Management Technology

Toronto (CA), September 2015 - The International Conference and Workshop on New Modes in Teaching and Management Technology in Higher Education will be held 07-10 December 2015 at the University of St. Michael's College in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

The overall goals of the workshop are

  • to provide participants with evidence from research findings and practice on the current state of the debates and discourses in new technology application to continuing education studies that will redound to the promotion of positive  attitudes and abilities in the proper use of these new tools, techniques, and resources;
  • to encourage participants to embrace creative and innovative solutions to current and future practices in the transfer of knowledge to continuing-education learners;
  • to assist participants in exploring and developing an awareness of the human potentials related to the use of technology in all areas of life;
  • to assist participants in gaining awareness of the importance of adjusting to the changing educational environment that is possible with the use of new technological trends and learning strategies in continuing-education studies;  
  • to assist participants in recognizing problems and opportunities existing with the new trends and strategies;
  • to assist participants in becoming aware of the issues, challenges of ICT, and web-based technologies in continuing-education studies;
  • to assist participants in understanding human preferences and the ethical and environmental impacts associated with the use of technology in continuing education.