Organized by TELSPain

"ELearning 2020: Empresas y Universidades" Conference

Barcelona (E), November 2015 - On 14 December 2015, Barcelona will host the third conference of TELSpain, the network of professionals of eLearning in Spain of which the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya is member. The title is "eLearning 2020: empresas y universidades".

TELSpain is preparing a conference program that includes a speech on the future of eLearning offered by a renowned expert. Afterwards, there will be three parallel workshops conducted by several experts in each of the following topics:

  • Big Data - Learning Analytics, by Julià Minguillon, from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • The future of eLearning platforms, by Tom Coppeto and Jeff Merriman, from the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), and Charles Severance, from the University of Michigan
  • Business - university synergies, by Miquel Puig, from the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)

The Conference conclusions will be presented at the closing event.