
White Papers Are the Most-Consumed B2B Content

Washington, DC (USA), August 2015 - SCORE, the US's largest network of free, expert business mentors, has gathered statistics on the most effective strategies for business-to-business (B2B) content marketing. Some 86% of B2B marketers use content marketing, and 42% publish content more than once a week. On average, B2B marketers send content to four target audiences.

Different forms of content influence B2B buyers. They rank as follows:

  • white papers (49%)
  • product brochures/data sheets (46%)
  • case studies/success stories (36%)
  • detailed technology guides/implementations (36%)
  • video/multimedia files (35%)
  • customer magazines/publications (31%)
  • competitive vendor worksheets (30%)
  • webinars (29%)
  • blog articles (29%)
  • e-newsletters/digests (29%)
  • e-books (24%)
  • podcasts/audio files (24%)
  • web slideshows (22%)
  • infographics (21%)

Visual content and blogs are more likely to be shared on social media

Visually appealing content is more likely to be shared on social media by B2B buyers: 40% share blog posts, 39% share infographics, and 37% share videos.

Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI. They receive 97% more links to their websites and generate 60% more leads than non-bloggers. Blog posts over 1500 words are more likely to be shared, perform better in search results, and generate more links.