

In France, Two Great Events Have Combined

Nancy (F), December 2016 - UNIT- Université de Lorraine/ LORIA will host the 2017 ICDE Presidents’ Summit, taking place 22-23 May 2017 in Nancy, France with the theme "Adaptive learning and learning analytics: possible consequences for leadership management".


Lensky Education Forum

Siberia is Melting for Open Education

YakutskYakutsk (RU), October 2016 - This year, Siberia has experienced unique progress. In Yakutsk, the capital of the Republic of Sakha (formerly called Yakutia) and the only city worldwide built on permafrost, the government launched a hot season, and the Lensky Education Forum, which took place in August 2016, heated up the debate about open education. (The Lensky District is one of 34 administrative and municipal districts in the Sakha Republic, Russia.)