
Create eLearning

Align Technology Smile at Online Learning Success

Amsterdam (NL), April 2016 - When Align Technology, a global medical-device company, wanted to continue to develop the clinical knowledge of its various teams throughout Europe, it realized that it needed a blend of classroom-delivered and online-delivered learning materials. This, in turn, led it to look for an up-to-date, 21st-century online-learning-authoring environment connected to a learning- management system (LMS).


International Platform

The Future of Education and Best Practice Sharing

London (UK),  April 2016 - Blackboard Inc. has announced its annual Teaching and Learning Conference, which will gather educators, technologists, and industry leaders from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, at the University of Groningen, 06-08 April.



Learning Culture with the Best: Allianz, Lufthansa, and DHL

tts-ForumHeidelberg (GER), April 2016 - One of Germany’s largest eLearning vendors, tts, is bringing famous companies together and inviting its own customers and interested parties to the annual tts Forum 2016 at the Heidelberg Print Academy. With several hundred participants, thirteen speakers and nine exciting best-practice presentations, the tts Forum, now in its twelfth year, is once again offering various perspectives on digital learning at a diverse range of medium-sized and international enterprises. This year’s tts Forum takes place under the motto “Turn knowledge into workplace performance” and is oriented towards personnel-development officers, HR IT professionals, leadership teams, and vocational-training experts and practitioners.



Lernkultur bei den Besten: Allianz, Lufthansa und DHL

Heidelberg, April 2016 - Deutschlands größter eLearning-Anbieter tts bringt namhafte Unternehmen zusammen und lädt die eigenen Kunden und alle Interessierten am 28. April 2016 zum alljährlichen "tts Forum 2016" in der Heidelberger Print Academy ein. Mit mehreren Hundert Teilnehmern, 13 Speakern und neun spannenden Best-Practice-Vorträgen bietet das "tts Forum" auch im 12. Jahr seines Bestehens wieder verschiedene Blickwinkel auf das digitale Lernen unter dem diesjährigen Motto "Turn knowledge into workplace performance". Das Forum richtet sich an Personalentwickler, HR-IT-Verantwortliche, Führungskräfte und Schulungsverantwortliche.