Sputnic Project

Promoting the Use of Educational Technology

Heverlee (BE), May 2007 - The EU-funded Sputnic project intends to raise awareness of the beneficial impact of educational technologies that enhance international collaboration. Through the project website and various upcoming events, Sputnic spreads know-how from Minerva and other successful Socrates projects, providing a theoretical background as well as practical models and hands-on experience.

Sputnic invites experts and practitioners dealing with Virtual Mobility, Web 2.0 applications, streaming video, or video conferencing in an educational context to share their experiences and results with the European educational community.

A description of their work will be published on the Sputnic website.

Part of the Sputnic project is a series of events. The first seminar about Web 2.0 technologies will take place on 9 May 2007 and will be a blend of interactive video conferencing among the participating sites all over Europe and hands-on experience.

Further Sputnic events include conference workshops and a student symposium on 4-5 June 2007 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Sputnic is supported by the European Commission under the Socrates, Accompanying Measures Programme.