EDEH Mentorship Programme

Sign Up for a Free Personalised Mentorship on Digital Education

Brussel (BE), March 2024 - The European Digital Education Hub offers the opportunity to participate in a digital education mentorship specifically focused on your personal area of interest, goals, or actions. Mentorships are organised in three sessions of two hours each. Mentors are high-level European experts in the field of digital education who will be matched with you based on individual needs.

During the mentorship sessions, your personal interest and the goals you would like to pursue are central. Examples of topics include

  • hybrid, blended, or online course and curriculum design
  • the development of micro-credentials and microlearning in continuing education
  • institutional leadership for digital education
  • digital collaborative teaching and learning
  • e-assessment, collaborative courses or curricula and digital mobility
  • quality assurance and institutional policies/conditions for digital education