
Machine Learning

New Suite Measures and Verifies Skills

Farmington, UT (USA), November 2017 - Pluralsight, an enterprise technology learning platform, has announced a new skills assessment and development suite that replaces traditional methods for assessing and benchmarking technology talent. The new suite, which includes Pluralsight IQ, advanced skills analytics, and advanced channels analytics, is designed to provide technology professionals and leaders with a fast, accurate, and affordable way to measure technology skills. The new suite uses machine learning and modern testing theory to significantly reduce the amount of time and cost usually dedicated to validating technology skills.


Innovation Campus

Artificial Intelligence mit Fraunhofer IAIS und PwC

Hamburg, Oktober 2017 - Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS und PwC haben im Sommer vergangenen Jahres einen globalen Data & Analytics Consulting Innovation Campus gegründet, auf dem Data Scientists beider Organisationen gemeinsam an innovativen Projekten auf dem Gebiet der Artificial Intelligence forschen. Der Campus befindet sich auf dem Gelände des Fraunhofer-Institutszentrums Schloss Birlinghoven, nahe Bonn und arbeitet eng mit den globalen PwC Innovationszentren zusammen.



Making Artificial Intelligence a Reality

Wokingham (UK), September 2016 - Volume has established one of the UK’s first "Centres of Excellence" for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and smart machines: Volume.XO. Now, as a leader in these technologies, Volume wants to share its expertise with the world of learning and development (L&D).